Saturday, May 17, 2008

K is for Karma

I keep telling myself I’ll keep this blog flowing and it never happens. I guess I don’t spend as much time as I used to pondering bizarre ideas to write up or crusading against some misplaced brick the foundation. Frankly, I don’t have the company to stimulate it. I’ve gone boring by all accounts; wake up, office, gym, office, sleep. Caffeine in the morning, adrenaline in the afternoon, and all the while I’m hacking out code and writing manuscripts, swearing under breath and crumpling paper by the ream. There’s a social event in this routine maybe once a week. The funny thing is, I’m thrilled with it. One more semester down and a sleepless 48 hours has me convinced I can take over the world this summer if I put my mind to it.

And now warm weather’s come to Boston and my daydreams are all bandanas and porch time and glass bottles in the post-12-ounce range. I’ll be on the ocean soon too, back to island hopping and causing trouble at the other half’s lavish beach houses. There’s debauchery off the mainland this time of year. It all go’s out to sea.

By the way, I’ve received a parcel from my dysfunctional Alma mater, and it seems that the latest fantastical blunder in the long line of enrollment errors, misplaced funds, lost paperwork, and ignored service requests is a single check, for $1K even, made out to me and mailed with no forms, letters, or explanations. Alright Wayne State, let’s say we call it even.


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